Fuelling the ambition of innovative companies
What we do
Partnerships & Referrals
We are always looking to find great innovative companies we can help, whether you are an accountancy firm or digital marketing agency, get in touch to see how a partnership with inovasi could benefit your business, as well as joining our network with innovative companies looking to do more.
Why we do it
Incentivising and driving innovation with tax relief and funding fuels innovation, which pushes the economy forward for "UK PLC" and creates advances in science and technology, and develops groundbreaking products and services.
Combining all the options available enables your company to benefit as much as possible by having all the incentives work together.
Find out more about why your company should partner with an innovation firm
Partnerships & Referrals
Accountancy firms:
If you are an accountancy firm, not currently having a system for outsourcing R&D to specialists, both you and your clients could be missing out.

Companies and Individuals:
Know someone who could benefit from our services? Refer them to us for a generous first-year referral fee for any R&D referral. If you are already partnered with us you can use any referrals to reduce our fee to completely nothing.
Why Partner with an Innovation Firm?
R&D tax credits, patent box, and grant funding are all interrelated, and significantly influence one another. By strategically combining them in both receiving and claiming as well as opportunity identification, you are able to ensure you are always fully benefitting from the innovation tax-relief and funding.
We continually encourage all forms of innovation. By getting to know you and your business thoroughly, we are always trying to help it in any way we can, also we seek to find areas of collaboration between you and our partnered innovative companies.
Get rewarded for innovation
Get projects funded
Set your company up to be innovative